Friday, September 28, 2012

Blog: Project Description

  • B: ANALYSIS. Pick a new media technology to study (see below). Analyze positive and negative effects on society. If you can come up with about 5 or more positive and negative effects (each), that would be nice, but you must have SEVERAL.

I will use a current and historical perspective to discuss the positives and negatives of social networking on society. Blogs, Wikis, and other online communication platforms are more important than ever when communicating among friends, businesses, and co-workers. Social networks can aid in posting news, sharing interests, and finding customers. There however remains a great responsibility to relate information correctly. This is sometimes difficult because of both the instantaneous nature of the internet and greater accessibility of and for the reader. The result is a transformation of the manner and means by which we communicate (even when opting out is a form of communication). Virtual communities must offer and utilize collective wisdom wisely for this form of mass communication is to retain its value.       

Mission Accomplished

Carol Vogel
BUS 3110 NET1
Happy blogging